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How a Body Can Become Unbalanced


Acupuncture Meridians can be used in many ways


  • Each meridian has points that run in a "line" similar to a row of power lines 

  • If a point becomes weak or goes "down", the body experiences achy pain or burning pain.

  • Just like the power will flicker or go out when a power line goes down

  • Time to restore "power" to the body

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Boggy or Stagnant Water

  • Enter the food we eat, the environment that surrounds us, the daily stress we have, etc

  • The body ends up becoming stagnant like the brook 

  • Enter pain, inflammation, reduced joint movement, headaches, etc

  • How do we help our bodies get back to free flowing?

  • The bodywork techniques help the stagnation to be released and to begin to free flow again

  • How long it takes to get back to fully free flowing depends on the body's response to the techniques

  • Each person is individual and unique


Free Flowing Water

  • The body internally is supposed to move like the free flowing brook

  • The body needs regular maintenance of at least once a month to keep the body in homeostasis (big word for balanced)


Technique Moves & Fascia

I read about this analogy in regards to fascia. I hope it will be helpful


  • The skin on a mandarin/orange is "like" our skin

    • This is where I perform the bodywork moves with light touch​

  • The white part under the orange skin is "like" the fascia under our skin

    • This is where the "signal" from the move is sent through

  • The fascia runs throughout the body and covers every organ, joint, muscle.  It's literally everywhere.

    • The lighter the touch the better the signal​

    • The signal goes to the brain and lets it know that an adjustment needs to happen in the body

    • Think about how a sound moves through water and can be heard for miles. These signals move through the fascia in a similar way.

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Layers to Health

  • Think of your health like an onion.

  • There are many layers and as each layer is peeled away, your body begins to heal

  • This is why I suggest for a new client to have 3 to 6 acupressure sessions at the beginning to help the body with peeling away the layers. The monthly maintenance afterwards is to keep the health of the body maintained.

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